Employee References


The CSU implemented a new policy in July 2022 that outlines the principles and procedures guiding the provision of references given the associated legal liability.

View the full CSU policy.

If you are a CSU partner, please reach out to hrm@b67.net.


The purpose of this policy to establish a guiding principle of not providing positive letters of reference for employees who have engaged in serious or significant misconduct, including a serious CSU policy violation.


  • Any references requests or requests for letters of recommendation from third parties must be submitted to Human Resources Management (HRM) for staff employees or to Faculty Affairs & Development (FA) for faculty employees, for response as there may be relevant information about which the receiving employee is unaware.
  • Submit the request by completing the online form:
  • Depending on when this request is received it could take up to 3 business days for a response. In certain circumstances, it could take longer. 
  • HRM/FA will review the employee’s personnel file and confer with the Office of Equity & Inclusion regarding whether the employee has had findings against them or whether any investigations or appeals are pending.
  • Requestors will receive email notifications from HR (or FA) indicating whether a reference/recommendation can be provided.


  • Employees who are asked to provide letters of recommendation or other formal requests for reference for current/former colleagues or direct reports on behalf of the CSUDH must submit the request to HRM for staff employees or FA for faculty employees, before responding.
  • Submit the request by completing the online form:
  • Depending on when this request is received it could take up to 3 business days for a response. In certain circumstances, it could take longer.
  • HRM/FA will review the employee’s personnel file and confer with the Office of Equity & Inclusion office regarding whether the employee has had findings against them or whether any investigations or appeals are pending.
  • Requestors will receive email notifications from HR (or FA) indicating whether a reference/recommendation can be provided.


  • Employment verifications are managed by Payroll Services. Please submit the verification of employment along with a signed authorization to the Payroll Services Secure Dropbox. Be sure to include the signed authorization and complete social security number.
  • When a request is received for employment verification please refer individual to the   Employment Verification  webpage on the Payroll Services website


  • Personal references are permissible but must clearly indicate they are being provided in an individual capacity and not on behalf of CSUDH.
  • Personal references shall not be written on CSUDH letterhead.
  • References by presidents, vice presidents, deans, associate deans, AVP's and directors may be perceived as being provided on behalf of the University by virtue of their position.
  • Such individuals must also consult with Human Resources to determine whether letters of recommendation or positive references are appropriate and may be provided, even in their personal capacity. 


CSU employees may not provide any official reference, either verbally or in writing, regarding a current or former CSU employee who:
  1. Is subject to a finding* that the CSU employee has engaged in misconduct (as those terms defined below) that resulted in the employee being non-retained, terminated, or is separated through mutually agreed upon settlement terms.
  2. Is currently under investigation for misconduct or violation of a university policy or left the university while the investigation was pending.
  3. Has had their retirement benefits rescinded under The Public Employees' Pension Reform Act due to criminal misconduct associated with their official duties. In such cases, Human Resources/Faculty Affairs shall inform the third party requesting the reference of CSU's employee reference policy and provide an employment verification only, as set forth in the policy, for the current or former CSU employee.

Misconduct includes: (a) a violation of CSU’s Nondiscrimination Policy or other CSU policy; (b) improper governmental activity, which is defined by the state of California as an action that violates state or federal law or regulation, that is economically wasteful, or that involves gross misconduct, incompetence, or inefficiency; (c) an act or threat of violence; or (d) unprofessional conduct.

*A finding includes, but is not limited to: (a) a final internal report, following any appeals, resulting from an investigation conducted by the university; (b) an internal or external audit; (c) an administrative decision by a state body having such jurisdiction, such as the Department of Labor, etc.; (d) a civil or criminal judgment, following any appeals; (e) admission of any of the above-referenced misconduct by the employee.<


Is this policy only related to references or letters of recommendation for employment purposes? 

No, if an employee or student employee is asking for a reference or letter of recommendation for any reason, this policy will apply.

Is the policy intended to include University volunteers?

Yes, the same guiding principles apply to the policy when considering a  letter of reference for a volunteer.

What is the process if you work at CSUDH but are asked to provide a reference/letter of recommendation for someone that is an employee at another CSU campus/CO?

If the person asks about former employment at CSUDH, it should go through the request process. If not, this should be addressed as a personal reference and may not be considered to be on behalf of CSUDH.

A student employee is asking for a letter of recommendation or reference for their role as an employee, do I need to submit a request to HR?

Yes, any request for a reference or recommendation that speaks to the student assistant employment must go through this request process.

If the student is asking for an academic recommendation or reference regarding their role as a student (i.e., grad school recommendation), do we need to submit it to HR?

No. The student is not asking for an employment reference or recommendation letter in this case.

If the department or I receive multiple requests for the same person, do we need to submit a request form each time?

Yes, a request must be submitted each time.